Do Churches in Bradenton, Florida Help Single Parents and Blended Families?

Are you a single parent or part of a blended family living in Bradenton FL? Learn about the organizations & churches offering assistance & programs.

Do Churches in Bradenton, Florida Help Single Parents and Blended Families?

Are you a single parent or part of a blended family living in Bradenton, Florida? If so, you may be likely wondering if there are any programs available to help you. Fortunately, there are several organizations in the area that offer assistance to those in need. One More Child is a community program that serves single mothers in the Bradenton area. They provide low-income families, older people, single parents, and the working poor with a range of resources and financial assistance programs.

Additionally, they offer free social services and items at their family resource centers. The Turning Points: One Stop Center is another great resource for those living in Bradenton. This organization can be reached at 941-747-150 and provides a wide variety of help to local residents. Whether it's a church, charity, or nonprofit organization, emergency financial aid, along with free items such as food, medical or dental care, prescription drugs, and other social services can help low-income families in Bradenton and Manatee County.

For those who need rental assistance, there are several different housing programs, government grants, and rentals available to families in Bradenton and Manatee Counties. Catholic Charities also has offices in Manatee County and Southwest Florida that can provide additional support. In addition to these organizations, there are also churches in the area that offer programs specifically designed for single parents and blended families. These churches provide counseling services, support groups, parenting classes, and other resources to help families cope with the challenges of raising children on their own. If you're looking for assistance as a single parent or blended family living in Bradenton, Florida, there are plenty of resources available to you.

From government grants to churches offering programs specifically designed for single parents and blended families, you can find the help you need.

Andrea Devoe
Andrea Devoe

Hardcore bacon fan. Infuriatingly humble student. Pop culture fanatic. Extreme tv geek. Evil bacon geek. Award-winning travel buff.