Exploring Historic and Landmark Churches in Bradenton, Florida

Discover historic churches in Bradenton, Florida, from Old Methodist Church (188) to Madira Bickel Indian Mounds and Desoto National Monument.

Exploring Historic and Landmark Churches in Bradenton, Florida

Bradenton, Florida is a city with a long and fascinating history. From the ancient indigenous settlements to the arrival of Spanish explorer Hernando DeSoto, the area around the Manati River has seen its fair share of historical events. One of the most iconic landmarks in Bradenton is the Old Methodist Church (188). This stunningly restored church boasts a vaulted ceiling and a window with the Star of Creation.

It is a sight to behold and a reminder of the city's past. Another historic site in Bradenton is the Madira Bickel Indian Mounds. This archaeological site is located in Terra Ceia and is believed to have been constructed by Native Americans hundreds of years ago. It serves as an important reminder of the city's past and its connection to the indigenous people who once lived there.

Finally, there is the Desoto National Monument. This monument commemorates the arrival of Spanish explorer Hernando DeSoto in 1539. It stands as a reminder of the city's past and its connection to Spanish exploration. These are just some of the historic and landmark churches in Bradenton, Florida. Whether you're looking for a place to explore or just want to take in some of the city's history, these churches are sure to provide an interesting experience.

Andrea Devoe
Andrea Devoe

Hardcore bacon fan. Infuriatingly humble student. Pop culture fanatic. Extreme tv geek. Evil bacon geek. Award-winning travel buff.